Stock Market Traders Clock and Forex Sessions

All traders are well aware that the Forex market is open 24 hours 5 days a week. And every once wondered: At what time to trade better, and when to refrain from any trades? On this and on how to determine their relative time UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), and we will talk in this post.
Technically trading week starts on a Sunday morning in Tel Aviv (Israel), but due to the small volume of trading this session ignore. But the real beginning is considered the beginning of trading in Wellington (New Zealand). But here, a very small business marketplace, and so the market comes to life only when the bidding starts in Tokyo (Japan) and Sydney (Australia). Is then connected the largest trading center in London (England) and at this time, as a rule, the market is much more active. Peak trading activity occurs when the London session is added and New York (the second largest trading volumes Trading Centre).
- Australia and Oceania (Sydney, Wellington) – GMT 22:00-06:00
- Asian session (Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong) – GMT 00:00-09:00
- European Session (London, Zurich, Paris, Frankfurt) – GMT 07:00 16:00
- American session (New York, Chicago, Toronto) – GMT 13:30-20:00